- Es.wikipedia.org,. (2014). P-nitroanilina. Retrieved 17
November 2014, from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-nitroanilina
- Wikihow.com,. (2014). Volume of a
Cylinder Cheat Sheet - wikiHow. Retrieved 17 November 2014, from
- YouTube,. (2014). EXP 1.
Explosive Polymerization of p Nitro Aniline. Retrieved 17 November 2014,
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4pNXAtPJp8
- Poshkus, A., & Parker, J. (1970). Studies on nitroaniline–sulfuric
acid compositions: Aphrogenic pyrostats. Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, 14(8),
2049-2064. doi:10.1002/app.1970.070140813
Es.wikipedia.org,. (2014). P-nitroanilina.
Retrieved 17 November 2014, from http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-nitroanilina
On this web
page we have all the information of the P-nitroaniline. Here, on the web we
have the chemical components and everything in relation with P-nitroaniline,
for example observing this web page we know that P-nitroaniline is used for
some medicines and also for fuel. Also on this web we have some theory about
the toxic things of the P-nitroaniline. The bad part about this web page is the
main web page, I mean, this information is located on Wikipedia, and there the information
is not 100% truthful.
Wikihow.com,. (2014). Volume of a Cylinder
Cheat Sheet - wikiHow. Retrieved 17 November 2014, from http://www.wikihow.com/Sample/Volume-of-a-Cylinder-Diagram
By looking
this web page, we see that on this one, appears two perfect diagrams, in those
diagrams we have a cylinder or beaker. During the experiment we are going to
calculate the area of a cylinder, I mean, after the explosion, the resultant
piece of carbon looks like a cylinder, so this web page may be very useful. I
really don´t like that on this web page is all explained by diagrams, and
sincerely I prefer that things like that must be explained using theory.
YouTube,. (2014). EXP 1. Explosive
Polymerization of p Nitro Aniline. Retrieved 17 November 2014, from
On this web
page we have the video of a explosion using nitroaniline. We decided to do this
experiment because of this video. It is a very good video, and we thought that
we can do it. By watching the video we knew how to do the experiment. What we
really dislike about the video, is that it is a simple video, no more, and for
doing this experiment we need many different data and on the video did not
Poshkus, A., & Parker, J. (1970). Studies
on nitroaniline–sulfuric acid compositions: Aphrogenic pyrostats. Journal Of
Applied Polymer Science, 14(8), 2049-2064. doi:10.1002/app.1970.070140813
this is one of our most useful web page, because on this web page we found
mostly all the important information in relation with P-nitroaniline and sulfuric
compositions, so here we found all the dangerous information about the gases,
and the toxic repercussion on our organism. By sing this web page we learned
how to be prepared to face the experiment. Really this web page is mostly
perfect, because by the use of some diagrams and theory, it explained
everything very good to us.
Poshkus, A. and Parker, J. (1970). Studies on
nitroaniline–sulfuric acid compositions: Aphrogenic pyrostats. Journal of
Applied Polymer Science, 14(8), pp.2049-2064.
On this web
page is very well explained how to do the experiment, because here, there are
all the steps, one behind the other, without doing nothing wrongly. Also on
this web page says that the gases produced by the explosion are unknown. Even
people who works in the NASA do not know how dangerous those gases because they
don´t know what gases are produced. W really think that this web page is a very
good source, because we have the experiment explained in detail
Wikihow.com,. (2014). Volume of a Cylinder Cheat Sheet - wikiHow. Retrieved 17 November 2014, from http://www.wikihow.com/Sample/Volume-of-a-Cylinder-Diagram
YouTube,. (2014). EXP 1. Explosive Polymerization of p Nitro Aniline. Retrieved 17 November 2014, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4pNXAtPJp8
Poshkus, A., & Parker, J. (1970). Studies on nitroaniline–sulfuric acid compositions: Aphrogenic pyrostats. Journal Of Applied Polymer Science, 14(8), 2049-2064. doi:10.1002/app.1970.070140813
Where are your results?
ResponderEliminarThis was supposed to be a school project that turned out to be too dangerous. We did it twice and the room had to be evacuated due to the release of yellow and toxic smoke that invaded the room. So we redid our whole experiment! The reaction does work though